Insurance Underwriting and the Impact of Distracted Driving

What you need to know

About the Webinar: 

It’s no secret that distracted driving poses real dangers to drivers on the road, in turn, opening your fleet to a host of unknown risks and liabilities. Hear from three transportation industry leaders about the importance of monitoring and mitigating risk to your business through optimizing your fleet management strategy. 

 In this webinar, learn to navigate the hidden point system behind distracted driving, gain actionable insights you can implement right away, and join in our open Q&A.

  • Understanding the CSA implications of distracted driving
  • How to encourage safe driving behaviors
  • How can you track and measure those behaviors within your fleet
  • Uncovering your liabilities and planning for the future

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Learn from these Transportation Industry Leaders

John Seidl is Vice President of Risk Services and is a DOT/FMSCA expert helping carriers expand their CSA toolbelt.

Bryan Shannon is the Managing Director of ORDP (Open Road Drivers Plan), a CDL protection plan that provides lasting value-added benefits to trucking companies, beyond ticket protection. 

Working exclusively within the insurance channel, Ashley Bryant’s focus has been building and implementing partnership opportunities and providing support and education by sharing up-to-date information on technology advancements in the fleet space.

Fleet Risk Expert

Bryan Shannon

Managing Director, ORDP

DOT/FMCSA expert

John Seidl

Vice-President of Risk Services

safety management expert

Safety Management expert

Ashley Bryant

Director of Carrier Partnerships, Netradyne

Reduce Your CSA Risk through Safe Fleet Practices

ORDP provides you with a Personal Fleet Assistant and everything you need to protect your drivers CSA and impact to your business. Reduce driver churn and reinforce safe driving practices through ORDP’s benefits program and Safe Driver Rewards program.

Questions? Contact Us